Lagi Ramai Lagi Baik...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

pe y JdIKK nk cte ekk..ak pon tatw..tape ah...cte gak...ermmm

bse r cuti2 mang amai org tetaw jer amai dak2 ad..mmg ah..lau x spe y nk dtg kan?? (_ _" )...aha..mjlis kol 2 tp ak ngn member2 ak dah tepacak kt uma pengntin kol 10..gerek ta gerek an..tuan rumah pon ta ready de hal..ktowg lek jer..sbb tuan rumah tue mmber ktowg gak..y kawen akk ktowg pon lek ah dtg awl2..lau bkn uma member jgn arap r ktowg nk dtg awl wlupon dijempot..ahaha...(terok punyeperangai)...tyme neyh r bru ak nmpk mke sowg2..dah r nk jmpe payah..mseng2 dah lupe akan JB..bse r sume dah merantau...ak sowg jer still kt bgos r..lau sume dah pndah spe nk majukan jb lau bkn org cam ak??kan??(wah riak sungguh)ahah..nseb2..

ktowg lau dah jumpe mang sling kutok mengutok r antre 1 sme len..bse r laki takat ngnjeng2 member tue dah sayu jer bg..aha..borak2..mcm2 topik kuaq..dr y best to ta best..ha??tah..ahaha...tape2..wa lynkan jer..y mne ak taw ak join r lau x ak ubah topik ngn member ak..yeah~~

so ktowg lepak2 situ selme beberape jm y bleh..bse r lme kot ta jmpe member..msti mau lme..aha..(dah2 siap mukaddimah~~~gle pnjg)ahah...

so cite sbnornye:::::mse dlm perjalanan nk blek pas ngntor member ak(pulai indah) jaoh..tape2..bkn ak y drive..ak jdik bos jer dok blkg..aaaahhhh...ktowg pon borak2 r...n kuaqla cte sal awek2 neyh...n ad ayt y ak ske........some1 told me that(member ak r).......

{If you judge people, you have no time to love them}

nmpk ayt y kt ats tue??yeah..once u read it u'll think tht it might be true...actually my fren got tht from quote told by...(ta ingt r plak)aha..lntk r..y pnting ayt tue sdp..huhu(knmbli ke BM nmpknye..huhu...yela...once we try to judge a person we will judge the person with negative 1...this is wht i think bout tht quote...n tht will cause u to mke bad conclusion bout the person..why not we juz mke fren with everyone by not giving any judgement to th person..i'm not saying tht judging is bad..but sometimes we need to think very carefully is it true wht we do or not??

..Don't ever judge a person by not knowing bout yourself..


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